I haven't written in foreverrrrr. I haven't written in this blog or at all. How very odd of me! I need to set aside some time every week to just write. Or take another creative writing class, since I liked it so much. Maybe I will!
This summer was one of the best of my life. Probably in the top 3 along with last summer's family vacation to Colorado. Fall was a lot of fun too. Davi and I can really party when we're together. I met a lot of cool people and learned a lot about myself. It's like all that time before was another lifetime or a dream. I suppose that's how I'm going to feel for the rest of my life. This semester is...winter...haha. I work at Charming Charlie, where it takes me 4 hours to earn as much money as my dad makes in about 25 minutes. I think I work there mostly for the social benefits. Sitting in the house all the time would turn me into a crazy person. Aside from that, I spend a lot of time talking to my wondermus boyfriend!
Three days after my last blog entry, I went to California with my roommate and met Jonathan Phillipson! And now we're dating and he is the coolest guy I've ever known! I think I'll make this blog entry about us so that anyone who wants to be in on the story can be, especially my family (some of whom seem to think I'm getting married and forgot to tell them?? haha)
Davi and I decided to live together during the summer and fall and she wanted to go visit her family for a week in the summer so she invited me to go. We went to california and the Saturday that we were there she said she was going to invite her friend to go to the movies with us and that friend was Jonathan! The 3 of us went to get sushi and then went to see the Harry Potter movie. He and I got along so well; we just hit it off right away! I totally had a crush on him (and yes, he has a british accent. I loved it, and I still do!). Monday the 3 of us spent the whole day at Disneyland and on the ride home, Davi fell asleep in the back of the car so he and I just got to talk all the way home. We found out we had a lot of things in common (like we both sleep with a pillow over our face, we hate peanut butter and hate cherry flavored candy but love the actual cherry fruit) and it was so fun to talk to him. Davi was being a little matchmaker so she got him to take off work on that Wednesday to take me on a date. We walked around a shopping center, a mall, Half Price Books, ate at the Cheesecake Factory and we had so much fun just talking and goofing off. He was totally flirting with me! [: At the end of the date, he dropped me back off at Davi's house and got my phone number. We left California that night and I came home to Texas for 2 weeks. We text every day and played "the question game" so we got to know a lot about each other. He made plans to come visit us in Rexburg over thanksgiving break and eventually we got into a routine where we talked on the phone at least once a day and had a skype date once a week. It was really cool that we started out with a long distance relationship because the only thing we could do was talk so we got to know a lot about each other before it was physical in any way (we were dating for almost 3 months before we kissed!). We probably know each other better than a lot of couples that live in the same town. He came to visit over thanksgiving and, even though it was only the first time we'd seen each other since summer, it wasn't awkward at all. We were super excited to see each other and we were pretty inseparable the whole week. It was hard when he left but I finished the semester and came back home for my really exciting 3 month winter break (which I'm currently in the midst of). He took a 2 day train ride (crazy kid) to Texas and stayed in our trailer for 2 weeks. We had so much fun and I can't believe it was only the second time we were actually together as a couple. To date, we've only spent 24 days together but it feels like I've known him my whole life.
He's my best friend. We talk about everything and I've never been able to talk to someone about everything before. We've been dating for almost 6 months...the time has flown by! He's been such a blessing in my life and I love him dearly. And no, we aren't getting married any time soon!! (haha) but I'm excited to see what's in the future for us. Besides everything else, I'm a better person because of him.