So, it's about time for another post. I'm gonna stick my writing on the end but first, I want to talk about some stuff. First of all, there is this ADORABLE 5 year old girl from back home who has this horrible horrible cancer and it just breaks my heart. She's only 5, for goodness sake. Please read her story and give her your love and support, even if you don't know her. Pray for her and her family. She is being so strong through all of this and I know I probably wouldn't be. She's such an inspiration to me. I know there are more important things going on in the world than me and my issues. Reading the blog about her story has really made a huge impact on my life and the way I see the world. Just take the time to read some of it and get to know her a little better. She will inspire you too.
And here is her website:
Now, I know this is super random when compared to my other blog entries but...I had the craziest day today. It was full of awkward rapture, particularly tonight (Oh my gosh...I should be doing my homework right now!!). Bree, Andrew, Gabe, and I made scavenger hunts for each other of crazy things to do on campus (we had to either take a picture of it or film it) and HOLY cheese. One of ours was something like "Film-Frantically search for your lost pet snake in the library" and was hilarious. I had a good number of the people in the library believing I actually lost a live snake. I even laughed just now thinking about how funny it was. It was SO fantastic. I'll have to do that again in the future [:
Anyway. This feels rather insignificant after the 2 things I just typed but here you go anyway.
Write about a scene, first from far away, then closer, then closer.
The hot, Arizona desert stretches out as far as the eye can see and either direction seems like a hopeless quest for life. The cacti dance across the ocean of dust and sing to each other while the small plants that litter the ground rush to stay out of their way. The unassailable sun beats down on every living creature in sight, forcing them underground or into their prickly homes. Everything seems to slow down, or stop altogether. Arizona is a drop of water hanging off the edge of a branch in the morning light, never falling; condemned to hang for eternity.
After hours of searching, a small town is discovered. Neighborhoods and markets seem out of place in such a climate but the enduring character of the people keep the place alive. Tourists also wander the area; little ants on the burning sidewalk, scrambling to escape the blaze of a magnifying glass. They never come prepared enough. A few miles away, gunfire sounds through the motionless air. The hum of spurs echo through the ground and pull its victims back in time to the Old West. Saloons and markets, gunslingers and horses. Even the very spirit of the place seems ancient, as if a timeless bubble surrounds the entire park.
Eight miles to the east, a house sits on a grassless plot of land. Rocks cover the yard, as if trying to prove themselves better than any blade of green could ever hope to be. The house is small, and a brand new family of 4 sits inside; father, mother, sister, brother. Not including the garage, the house is only 4 rooms. On the counter, in the same spot each night, a pot of beans cooks. The children play on the musty floor. Not a care in the world troubles their young minds. Father stands at the window and dreams of something better for his family. Mother tells him, and perhaps herself, that they have everything they need. They have each other.
The scorching sun smiles on the family.
Ahhh, must be Old Tucson!